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"Brian & The Dealers"


Chad Cox

Chad Cox
(Rhythm Guitar/Vocals)
Chad has always had a love for music. He however, took a break to raise his family but not long after found himself with Joseph and Brian in the band called "Ecko" touring  for seven years in the  Alberta and Saskatchewan's "A" circuit clubs, Festivals and Fundraisers scene. As a freelancer Chad gained many new friends in the industry but found himself back to the boys in what is now called, "Brian & The Dealers" .  He brings a stellar rhythm guitar and vocals to the mix. Come out and see for yourself!


Brian Sawatsky

 Brian Sawatsky  (Lead Guitar/Vocals) Brian learned how to play guitar at the age of 3 by his mother. By the age of 14 he was playing Heavy Metal and one year later joined his parents in the  Gypsy Wheeler Band playing lead guitar for 12 years for them. He then moved to Alberta to start a new journey. He played with some bands there but then made his own band Called Ecko Band. They played all over the A Circuit bars and clubs. They show cased some festivals and fundraisers as well.  This natural talent has played all over the western Provinces with various groups throughout the years. He earned the “Best Guitarist award” in the battle of the bands competition at the age of 18 held at Stan's Place in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. If you have never seen him play I would really encourage you to give him a listen.


Kemp JLagz

 Kemp JLagz ( Drummer/Voclas) Kemp learned play to drums and sing at the age of 9. He was all self taught with no help from any music teacher or any one. At the age of 17 he was playing Metal/NU Metal and by the age of 23 I created my own band called REKTA  in Calgary and in that band I was the lead vocalist. REKTA Band was a Heavy Metal/NU Metal Band. I then put to together another band and we were called RELENTLESS BAND.  I have learned to get the dynamic touch and the swing of things. As growing up in the Philippines it was more Hard rock and a lot of tagalog Rock but as getting older  my taste in music has changed. I have played the  A Circuit scene as and lot of other clubs festivals and fundrasiers in Alberta and Saskatchewan. I hope to have some fun and create good music with the Band Brian & The Dealers. I hope  see you all soon Cheers!!

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